
Development of the Mall of Berlin

Up to 3,000 people per day worked for three years on the construction site at Leipziger Platz 12 and were in action six days a week.

The excavation pit of the Mall of Berlin was 17 metres deep at the deepest point in the building C component. As the groundwater is only approx. 3 metres below the ground level, measures had to be taken to ensure buoyancy. For this purpose, a total of 2,021 GEWI piles (single rod piles which are embedded as vertical anchors in the ground beneath the building) were used.

For the excavation pit of the Mall of Berlin, 280,000 mN of solid mass or 476,000 t of loose mass were moved. All loaded trucks placed one behind the other make a distance of 560 km. Once Berlin-Munich.

More than 1,260 anchors have been set around the subway line and around the construction site.

The glory of bygone times

A hundred years ago, Leipziger Straße was still a quiet residential street. With the construction of the Wertheim department store, however, it quickly became a busy business and trade centre, and soon Leipziger Platz in the Mitte district in particular was regarded as the European centre of fashion, music and art.

Wertheim operated the largest department store on the continent right here, at one of the most attractive hubs of the European fashion scene. The already impressive sales area was expanded to 108,000 square metres between 1911 and 1912. For example, the shop window front of the building alone adorned 330 metres of Leipziger Strasse.

History of the Mall of Berlin in figures

  • Up to 3,000 people per day were involved in the construction process
  • 56 escalators and 48 elevators were installed
  • A total of 18,000 tons of steel were used
  • Approx. 110,000 m³ concrete processed

Construction progress in fast motion

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